By virtue of the legal regime to which they are subject, the assets and rights that make up the assets of public administrations may be in the public domain or demaniales and in the private domain or patrimoniales. Assets and rights in the public domain are those which, being public property, are assigned to general use or public service, as well as those to which a law expressly grants the character of demaniales. The goods and rights of private or patrimonial domain are those which, being in the ownership of the Public Administrations, do not have the character of demaniales.
It is responsible for the processing of the different procedures whose purpose is the granting of concessions and authorisations, the awarding of disposals and leases and, where appropriate, other operations such as changes in legal status, exchanges, etc. that affect the assets and rights included in the Municipal Heritage and not reserved to other Councils due to their area of competence, assuming the tasks of monitoring the files from their ex officio initiation or admission for processing of the corresponding applications until the formalisation of the contracts or issuance of enabling titles and, where appropriate, elevation to public deed. Likewise, the Contracting and Assets Service is responsible for maintaining and updating the Municipal Inventory.
The assets of the Public Administrations consist of all their assets and rights, whatever their nature and the title of their acquisition or that by virtue of which they have been attributed to them. The assets of public administrations do not include money, securities, credits and other financial resources of their treasury.
The management and administration of assets and patrimonial rights by public administrations shall, in general, conform to the following principles:
- Publicity, transparency, competition and objectivity in the acquisition, exploitation and disposal of these assets.
- Identification and control through inventories or registers.
- Efficiency and economy in their management.
- Efficiency and profitability in the exploitation of these assets and rights.
- Collaboration and coordination between the different public administrations in order to optimise the use and performance of their assets.
- home Edificio administrativo. Planta baja.
- place Plaza de los Reyes de España, 1
- phone 916 64 81 00 / 178
- email
- query_builder Horario de atención telefónica y telemática: De 8:30 a 14 horas.