Classification chart
Classification Chart
The Classification Chart is a consultation tool that reflects the organization of the documentary collection and provides essential data on its structure.
Michel Roberge defines the classification system as a hierarchical and logical structure that reflects the functions and activities of an organization, functions that generate the creation or reception of documents. In short, it is a system that intellectually organizes information and allows documents to be placed in their relationships with each other to form what is generally called files. The classification system is an information modeler, irreplaceable by an index, however sophisticated it may be.
Based on the functions of the organization, the classification system also has the advantage of standardizing the naming of files. The essential prerequisite for the development of a classification system is, therefore, a perfect knowledge of the functions of the organization that generates the documents.
The Municipal Classification Chart of Alcorcón reflects the organization of the documentary series (grouping of the same type of file) in a FUNCTIONAL way, not organically. In this way, different administrative units can work with the same documentary series, since many files contain procedures and documents created by different units that perform the same function.
The current table that we use in our archive is based on the one published and presented at the 18th Municipal Archives Conference in 2010. It is a living, not static, instrument, since it must reflect the documentary production of the Alcorcón City Council. New procedures constantly appear or others are closed due to legislative changes or municipal ordinances. For example, a few years ago, procedures related to the Quintos or the Compulsory Military Service were very common. Once the military service disappeared, no more documentation or files related to it have been produced, therefore, currently, it is a closed series.
As we said, all these changes are reflected in the Classification Chart, which is a basic tool in the implementation of electronic management and electronic files, since the organization of information is the same whether it is on paper or digital media. The so-called electronic procedures are nothing more than the procedures that produce a certain type of file, which is grouped into a documentary series. From this point of view, a classification table for documentary series is also a classification table for procedures.
We put at your disposal our Classification Chart. With it, you will be able to have a more precise idea of the documents that can be found in the Municipal Archive of Alcorcón.

Text appearing in: Clarity, flexibility and relevance: a classification chart for the Municipal Archive of the 21st Century by the Group of Municipal Archivists of Madrid , in XVIII Conference of Municipal Archives of Madrid, San Sebastián de los Reyes, May 27-28, 2010. Madrid: Community of Madrid, City Council of San Sebastián de los Reyes Group of Archivists of Madrid, 2010. P. 10. Available online at: