Organization chart

Organization chart of the Government Team
Organization chart of the Government Team

Organization chart of the Government Team

  • candela
     Retrato de Candelaria Testa Romero
    Candelaria Testa Romero
    Councillor for Treasury, Contracting and Heritage
    PSOE militant

Internal affairs area

  • Daniel Rubio Caballero
    Retrato Daniel Rubio
    Daniel Rubio Caballero
    Councillor for Security, Internal Organization and Citizen Attention
    First Deputy Mayor

City services area

Social and cultural area

  • image
    Victoria Meléndez Agudín
    Councillor for Social Services and Public Health.
    PSOE militant

City development area

Área de Políticas Sociales

  • sonica-lopez-cedena
    Retrato de Sonia López Cedena
    Sonia López Cedena
    Councillor for Culture, Participation and Seniors.
    Deputy spokesperson GM PSOE. 3rd Deputy Mayor. Alcorcón Town Council.
  • raquel-mobile
    Imagen de Raquel
    Raquel Rodríguez Tercero
    Councillor for Economic Development, Training, Employment, European Projects and Feminism
    Secretary General of Podemos Alcorcon.
  • image
    Copia de Copia de Victoria Meléndez Agudín
    Councillor for Social Services and Public Health.
    PSOE militant