Sustainability, mobility and renewables

Copia de Department of Sustainability, Mobility and Renewables
Department belonging to the City Development area
To this end, the following permanent services are offered to the citizen:
- Improvement and maintenance of the environment, to avoid discharges and polluting emissions into the atmosphere.
- Preparation of municipal plans, draft provisions and proposed agreements, in environmental matters, such as plans to reduce pollution, empowerment of industries and clean facilities, tax benefits for the use of clean vehicles, or waste management plans.
- Defense of Natural Areas, with special attention to rural areas, livestock routes (it is public domain of the CM) and its annexes, with representation of this City Council in the Network of Local Governments + Biodiversity.
- Development of awareness and information campaigns that contribute to the defense and improvement of the environment.
- Development and implementation of sustainability measures against environmental and noise pollution.
- Promote sustainable means of mobility, respectful of the environment, with representation of this City Council in the Network of Cities for the Bicycle.
- Implementation, application, development and/or modification of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
- Formulation of studies and projects in relation to possible improvements in horizontal, vertical and automatic signalling, not foreseen in urbanization projects.
- Processing of reports, sanctions and execution orders for non-compliance in terms of waste cleaning, clearing of vegetation on private plots, management of debris in works, as well as to implement corrective measures related to problems caused by noise.
- Development of public policies and municipal regulations aimed at improving energy efficiency and the use of renewable or similar energies in public buildings and municipal facilities.
- Promote policies that promote energy efficiency in all building actions in the municipal area, with representation of this City Council in the Network of Cities for the Climate.
- Development of public policies and technical projects aimed at the implementation of a new energy model characterized by decentralized energy generation, with a predominance of renewable energies.
Contact information
- home Buero Vallejo Theater Building - Sustainability and Renewable Areas
- place C/ Robles, s/n, 28922, Alcorcón, Madrid
- phone 911 12 79 00
- email
- query_builder In -person service hours: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
2 cols

For more information visit the following page
Sustainability, mobility and renewables

For more information visit the following page
Sustainability, mobility and renewables

For more information visit the following page
Sustainability, mobility and renewables

For more information visit the following page