ZBE implementation and digital and sustainable transformation of transport
Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
Actions of the Alcorcón City Council financed under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
This tab (or section) shows general information as well as all the subprojects and lines of action in which the City Council, in its capacity as executing entity, has obtained funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, approved by Regulation (EU ) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of February 12, 2021, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, approved by Agreement of the Council of Ministers of April 27, 2021. The main axes in which the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism is articulated, are the following:
In turn, these four lines of work are developed through ten lever policies:
1. Urban and rural agenda and fight against depopulation, and development of agriculture.
2. Resilient infrastructures and ecosystems.
3. Fair and inclusive energy transition.
4. An administration for the 21st century.
5. Modernization and digitization of the industrial fabric and SMEs, recovery of tourism and promotion of an entrepreneurial nation Spain.
6. Pact for science and innovation. Reinforcement of the capacities of the National Health System.
7. Education and knowledge, continuous training and capacity development.
8. New care economy and employment policies.
9. Promotion of the culture and sports industry.
10. Modernization of the tax system for inclusive and sustainable growth.
The purpose of the Next Generation EU instrument is to respond in a joint and coordinated manner to one of the worst social and economic crises in our history and to help repair the damage caused by the pandemic.

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Digital transformation and modernization of the EELL

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Creation or rehabilitation of healthy environments

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Rehabilitation of publicly owned buildings (Line 1)

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Collaboration agreements with the CM

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Residential rehabilitation and social housing

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Residential rehabilitation and social housing

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Residential rehabilitation and social housing

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Fight against fraud
An essential aspect in the execution of the measures incorporated