Municipal Center for Artes - Teatro Buero Vallejo
Located in a privileged enclave on calle los Robles, s/n in the Parque de los Abogados de Atocha.
The Buero Vallejo Theater is committed to a program open to various genres: its stage hosts theatre, dance, music, zarzuela, flamenco and a stable repertoire of children's theater for family audiences.
The programming takes place between the months of September and May and is the true cultural engine of the city
On September 20, 1994, the Buero Vallejo Theater opened its doors. That first day the curtain went up to listen to the chords of the Chorus and Dance Orchestra of the Community of Madrid.
Buero Vallejo Theater in numbers
- Total area of 12,000 square meters.
- It has 912 seats distributed between stalls, amphitheater and paradise.
- In its basement it has six dressing rooms and one for quick change at the foot of the stage.
- The 300-meter stage closes with a curtain with a motorized rail. The curtain closes in the Italian style and is maroon in the Italian style.
- The stage comb has bars 13.5 meters long.
- It has 10 rods for installing lights.

The theater takes its name from Antonio Buero Vallejo, one of the great playwrights of our country. In addition to the favor of the public, it was recognized by critics and the academic world, winner of several national awards.
On the street, at the entrance to the enclosure, a realistic representation in bronze of one of the key writers of Spanish literature of the 21st century, a sculpture in cast and patinated bronze with dimensions of 220x80x70 by Don Antonio Buero Vallejo, the work by the Madrid sculptor Rafael Muyor. It represents the writer on a pedestal going down a ladder.
The Theater belongs to the Network of Theaters of the Community of Madrid
The Municipal Center for the Arts has two exhibition halls, Altamira and El Paso. Multiple artists of recognized national and international prestige have passed through our rooms with samples of different artistic techniques. (Photography, Sculpture, Painting, Installations…)
There are also multiple rooms for courses, workshops and seminars in the most varied disciplines such as looms, bookbinding, guitar, dressmaking, reading encouragement, dance and endless other possibilities.
In this center there is also the Buero Vallejo Municipal Theater and the José Hierro Municipal Library, rooms for adults and children/youth.
Numerous social entities and groups have their headquarters in this space to hold meetings and various activities that they propose.
General admission adult programming
CHAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12,00€
AMPHITHEATRE. . . . . . .10,00€
PARADISE. . . . . . . . . . . .8,00€
The ticket offices are located in the Buero Municipal Theatre.
Vallejo (C/Robles s/n)
Ticket office opening hours:
Monday to Friday (except public holidays) from 4pm to 8pm.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (except public holidays) from 11am to 2pm and from 4pm to 8pm.
On performance days: on sale two hours in advance.
The box office will close at the beginning of the performance.
Payment at the box office: cash or credit card.
Note: Check that the tickets you are carrying are the ones you wish to purchase, remember that it is a contract, read the back.
Twitter: @Alcorconcultura
Instagram; alcorconculturayparticipa
Facebook: CulturayParticipacióncon_AytoAlcorcon
Blog: teatrobuerovallejoalcorcon.blogspot.com
Youtube: Alcorconculturaestácontigo
By telephone:
Theatre: 916 64 85 02
Lockers: 916 64 84 62
By email: culturayparticipa@ayto-alcorcon.es
The theatre has reserved spaces for people with reduced mobility. Please inform the box office.
Other information of interest
Once the performance has begun, access to the auditorium is not guaranteed, so punctuality is always recommended. Late arrivals to the performance will not be entitled to a refund of the ticket price.
The organisation reserves the right to change the programme and the starting time of the performance when force majeure so requires. The cancellation or change of a performance only entails the refund or change of the ticket.
The organisation reserves the right not to open the entire capacity if it has not been sold out.
Anyone entering the theatre to enjoy a performance must have a seat, regardless of their age (including babies) for safety reasons.
Minors must be accompanied by an adult responsible for them.
It is not permitted to enter the theatre with pushchairs, prams, pushchairs, car seats, walkers... The theatre has a space set aside for storing them during the performance.
It is not allowed to stand in the aisles of the theatre during the performance.
The consumption of food and drink is not permitted in the auditorium.
Before entering the auditorium, please turn off your mobile phones and any other devices that may emit sounds during the performance. Silence during the performance is a sign of respect for the actors and other spectators.
Theatre staff are working for your comfort and safety, so please follow their instructions.
Please be punctual. Once the performance has begun, access to the auditorium will not be allowed.
- Dance and movement: maintenance gymnastics, hypopressive, pilates, zumba, stretching, african dance, flamenco, sevillanas, ballroom dancing, latin dance, swing, taichi...
- Photography.
- Social skills: How to improve memory.
- Humanities and knowledge: Get to know the Community of Madrid, creative writing, art history.
- Languages: English.
- Textile: Cutting and sewing.
- Music: Guitar.
- Plastic arts: Drawing and painting, landscapes, portraits, silk painting, comics, manga and animation, furniture restoration...
- Binding.
- Fire enamel.
- Taller de música: Guitarra.
- Taller de movimiento: Yoga
- Taller de plástica: Pintura
- Taller de ajedrez
Adespro Association
Email: cursosalcorcon@adespro.org
Telephone: 917 86 83 84
Bitácora Association
Correo: maria.mesa@edyoc.es
Telephone: 610 70 91 41
Sándalo Association
Correo: aralar54@gmail.com
Telephone: 649 67 27 02
ACAYA Association
Email: acaya1@hotmail.es
Telephone: 649 37 12 44
Lisarco Collective
Email: colectivolisarco@gmail.com
Web: www.colectivolisarco.com
Peña Flamenca
Email: anadoraina@gmail.com
Telephone.: 690 39 68 63
Taichi y Salud Association
Email: asociaciontaichiysalud@gmail.com
DUYUDÚ Association
Email: duyuduasociacionsociocultural@gmail.com
Telephone: 659 93 65 64
Bitácora Association
Email: maria.mesa@edyoc.es
Telephone: 610 70 91 41
Web: www.bitacoracultura.com
Ajedrez Diagonal Association
Email: info@ajedrezdiagonal.es
Telephone: 600 04 50 02
This centre also houses the Buero Vallejo Municipal Theatre and the José Hierro Municipal Library, adult and children's/young people's rooms.
Numerous social entities and groups have their headquarters in this space to hold meetings and carry out their own activities.
Centrally located associations:
• El Libro Assocition
• SOMBRAS VIVAS Painting Collective
• PRECO Painting Collective
• Reiki de Alcorcón (ARA) Association
• Nueva Conciencia Association
• Esmalte Grisalla Collective
• SURAL Neighbours' Association
• Popular Customs and Traditions Group of Alcorcón
• TRASPIES Hiking Group
• Association of Historical Studies of South Madrid Jiménez de Gregorio
• Grabado La Tarlatana Association
It is located in the JUNTA DE DISTRITO Nº1
Spectator Decalogue
- Before you buy your ticket, make sure you are well informed about the show you are going to see.
- Once the performance has begun, access to the auditorium will be restricted under the supervision of theatre staff.
- Their silence during the performance is a sign of respect for the actors and the other spectators.
- Before entering the auditorium, please turn off your mobile phones and any other objects that may emit sound during the performance.
- During the performance, you must not leave the auditorium except for urgent reasons. If an urgent reason forces you to leave the auditorium, please ensure that your departure causes as little disturbance as possible.
- No food or drink is allowed in the hall.
- Smoking is not allowed in the room.
- For safety reasons, access to the hall with pushchairs is not permitted.
- Every spectator, regardless of age, must purchase a ticket for the show.
- Standing in the aisles of the auditorium during the performance is not permitted.
- No photographs or video and/or mobile device recordings may be taken without the express authorisation of the Company and the Theatre Management.
- Theatre staff work for your comfort and safety, so please follow their instructions.
- For any questions you may have, the Theatre staff is at your disposal. Please do not hesitate to ask us.
The following have passed through our stage…
Saturdays: From 9.00am to 3.30pm
Sundays: From 9.00am to 3.30pm
On weekends, the timetable may change depending on the programme at the Teatro Buero Vallejo.